Monday, September 7, 2009

Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Services (SUDAHSER FOUNDATION)

Seeks to help the local communities, under priviledged women, children, improve health , education and the local population lives, production and peaceful lives and in healthy environment. SUDAHSER FOUNDATION is also an organisation which aims at promoting the welfare of the under priviledged in our communities. Our activities include;
-Rural Sustainable Development for poverty alleviation
-Promoting Education/Capacity Building for our communities.
-Provide Primary Health Care and HIV/AIDS Programms
-Clean water for all
-promote and children programs
-promote volunteering in our communities

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

sustainable development and humanitarian services foundation

The project “combact sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV/AIDS in Higher Institution of Learning in Cameroon” is focus on carrying a sensitisation
Campaign against sexually transmitted diseases especially HIV/AIDS. Other STDs involve in the sensitisation Campaign include;
Ø Trichonomiasis, Candidiasis, or Bacteria Viginosis
Ø Gonorrhoea
Ø Syphilis
Ø Clamydia trachomatis
Ø Pelvic inflamation diseases
Ø Genital Herpes
The following will also be mention and brief on; hepatitis, phitiriasis, scabies, genital warts or human papilloma virus, chancroid, and cytomegalo virus
This sensitisation is aim at creating awareness on the various common types of STDs in our community, their symtons, how they spread , are prevented, and treated. This project is also aim at Figthing against the stigma and discrinination face by people living with HIV/AIDS and other STDs and to influence the curve of spread of HIV in our immediate environment. It will also promote interpersonal communication contributing to the prevention of these STDs
In making this possible, the project aim at mobilisation of 1000 voluntory student peer educators, who will eventually offer peer education classes in their verious localities, amongst youths and in secondary schools. This will go a long way in figthing against STDs especially HIV/AIDS. Each of this peer educator will be given a Tee-shirt and a note book